• Email hapsychology@gmail.com
  • Phone (040) 2784 7755

Clinical Supervision is offered to trained counsellors who are seeking self-development, case conceptualization skills, understand and developing their theoretical orientation and improving their skills as a counsellor. All clinicians at HAP undergo regular supervision and we have in house and community based psychologists who offer supervision to all our clinicians.

Dr. Diana Monteiro heads the supervision team at HAP. Please find information below about Dr. Monteiro and other supervisors offering clinical supervision at HAP.

Dr. Diana Monteiro on Clinical Supervision:

If you are considering seeking professional clinical supervision from me, here's more information for you to help you make a decision. I provide clinical supervision to counselors and clinicians working in the field of mental health. Supervision is a process involving meeting with me on a regular basis to discuss clinical and professional issues are arise in your work. It is a structured meeting that happens for one hour with the aim of assisting the supervisee in developing/honing his or her skills and knowledge base, as well as ensuring a high standard of service provision to the client/patient.

I have been trained to provide clinical supervision during my doctoral studies and have provided supervision since 2003. My theoretical style is counseling is a combination of constructivist and cognitive theory guided further by development, attachment, interpersonal process, and culture.

My Supervision Model: I conceptualize supervisee growth developmentally and adapt my style based on skill level. I tend to provide more direction at earlier stages and mentorship at later stages of therapist development. My style offers a combination of support, discussion, challenge and feedback to help develop strong conceptual skills and theoretical orientation. Integration of theory and empirical research into practice and using self as a tool are encouraged. Interpersonal process forms a large part of my work in supervision and I encourage constant self-examination for growth as a therapist and professional. Creating a safe environment for positive personal and professional development to occur takes precedence in this process.

To begin supervision with me, please call me so that we can discuss your needs and get to know each other. I typically do individual and group supervision, once a week to once a month depending on the supervisee's needs. Before we formally begin supervision, I like to meet with a potential supervisee and let us learn about each other to see whether we will be able to work together or not.

Charges for supervision: Clinical supervision is charged based on a fixed amount per supervision session which is an hourly rate, which is decided by the supervisor. Individual supervision sessions and group supervision sessions are offered so please check regarding availability of group vs. individual supervision and the rates for each. Groups consist of three supervisees in a group for an hour session.

If you think you would like to discuss working with us under supervision, please reach out on 94939-75140 or hapsychology@gmail.com