• Email hapsychology@gmail.com
  • Phone (040) 2784 7755

The philosophy of HAP is rooted in the belief that psychological assessments promote a global perspective on an individual that must go hand in hand with counseling for best results. Our assessments include normal personality assessments and career testing. We use a variety of psychological assessment tools to aid the process of counseling and these include assessments for depression, anxiety, relationship difficulties, relationship satisfaction, parenting skills, personality traits, etc.

When an individual seeks an assessment, it is important to note that psychological assessment typically takes more than one session. The individual would meet with a counselor and then a decision about psychological assessments would be made. Then the counselor would administer the necessary psychological tests. The tests would then be interpreted and conclusions drawn. The client would then receive feedback from the counselor along with a report of the psychological assessment results.

Career counseling involves meeting with a counselor, completing an initial information gathering (intake), then completing a battery of tests. The tests include assessment of personality, intelligence, interests, abilities and values. The information is then put together to form an overall picture which is helpful in determining one's career path.

Career counseling takes about 3 sessions (1-2 hours each) and once you complete the assessment, you will receive feedback and a career assessment report. Career counseling is useful to anyone who is seeking to determine their career path, especially students from grades / standards 9 through 12 or those individuals seeking to change their chosen career / academic path.

For older adults seeking a change of career path, we recommend that you come in for an individual counseling session to assess your needs. Currently, we do not offer career testing for older adults and offer individual counseling related to career issues.