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Counseling in Action: An advanced course in counseling (Online via Zoom)

This course is a conceptualization skill enhancement course designed for counselors, clinicians and helpers who are practicing or in training. The course will offer a chance for participants to see world renowned therapists in action (on tape), treating a variety of issues commonly seen in counseling. In addition to learning how to treat specific problems, different therapeutic approaches used to treat the issues will also be covered. Class will consist of watching experts in action followed by a discussion involving the skills, techniques and approaches to treating problems in counseling. The unique experience of watching doyens in the field use proven approaches and deal with obstacles we face in everyday counseling situations is an invaluable way to learn and enhance our own counseling skills. Additional readings for each topic to enhance your knowledge and skill, to work with specific problems in counseling will also be offered.

Who would benefit

Practicing clinicians, counselors, trainees in the field of counseling/therapy/helping. This is not a beginner's course and past coursework and/or experience in counseling is necessary for the course to be beneficial to you. This course is a rare opportunity to witness counseling done with real clients by expert therapists who we only get to read about anecdotally. In addition to seeing them do counseling, focused readings on the various topic areas and fruitful discussions geared towards enhancing skills and learning make this a unique course. The opportunity to learn will also occur through role plays and discussions of real client situations based on the Indian counseling context. This course will not have an exam but a paper that be due based on knowledge gathered in the course. It also offers ongoing supervision and skills-based feedback to participants throughout the course duration.

Likely topics to be covered Therapeutic approaches
Depression Acceptance and Commitment therapy
Bipolar disorder Attachment Based Psychotherapy
Anxiety Client centered therapy
Emotional Abuse Constructivist therapy
Interpersonal Relationships Cognitive Behavior therapy
Anger Cognitive therapy
Stress Emotion Focused therapy
Self Esteem Existential therapy
Suicidal Ideation Family Therapy
Relationship breakup Feminist Therapy
Grief/Loss Integrative approaches to therapy
Others as needed Mindfulness

The above topic/approaches are tentatively planned and are subject to change.

Location: ONLINE via Zoom

Class timings: Tuesdays and Fridays from 4 pm to 7 pm VIA ZOOM
Start and end dates: June 2025  to August 31st 2025 (10 week course)
Course fee: Rs. 30000/- including 18% GST.
Exam/Grading: Will be a written paper to be submitted involving a participants theoretical orientation and a case conceptualization.

A certificate will be given at the end of the course.

To join: Please click the following link to register: https://forms.gle/DSgpUcXabm1UytLe8

Completion of registration and payment completes your admission into the course. 
Deadline for admission: May 31st 2025


  • A conceptualization skills enhancement course designed for counselors, clinicians and helpers
  • See world renowned therapists in action, treating a variety of issues commonly seen in counseling.
  • Learn how to treat specific problems
  • Learn different therapeutic approaches to be used in counselling
  • Unique chance to watching doyens in the field use proven approaches and deal with obstacles we face in everyday counseling situations
  • An invaluable way to learn and enhance your counseling skills.

Tentative course format is as follows:

  1. Relevant readings on every intervention/treatment/problem
  2. A treatment plan will be provided to help direct treatment towards specific goals. (eg, treatment plan for depression, goals for treatment, objectives in counseling, best interventions and theoretical basis for depression treatment)
  3. Interventions will be offered based on Evidence Based approaches.
  4. Every class session will include videos of sessions by experts for 30-45 min (eg. Watch a session on  Working with Depression with Acceptance and Commitment Therapy).
  5. Enriching discussion of the session and peer consultation/supervision of real cases.
  6. Course facilitator: Dr. Diana Monteiro, Ph.D