The Hyderabad Academy of Psychology

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The HAP is the first Academy of its kind in the twin cities to offer training in psychological counseling in order to bridge the gap between formal psychological education and practical application of psychology in everyday life. We are engaged in a wide array of training activities for beginning and advanced counselors and helpers, as well as for those seeking to improve their helping skills. Our trainings include:

   Basic Skills in Psychological Counseling: An Online Counselor Training Course (6 months duration):

This is an intensive basic level course specifically aimed at training psychological counselors for basic counseling. The course is intensive and involves in-depth training, thus allowing students who complete the course the ability to practice counseling preferably under supervision. Most of our students, understand that counselor training is a process and thus choose to seek clinical supervision even after completion to ensure their continued growth and development as counselors. This is typically a face to face course, but given the challenges of the pandemic as of 2020 we have successfully offered this course online in 2020 and 2021 and will be offering it as an online only course again  from July 2021 (via zoom) as well. We have found great success with the online version of this course as well and have received excellent feedback from our current students who are doing this course online.

Next Start date: Jan 17th 2022

Course Fee: Rs 50,000/- (+ 18% GST)

For more information about the basic course

   Counseling in Action: An advanced course in Counseling (10 week duration):

 Next scheduled for June/July 2022

Tuesdays and Fridays 4 pm to 7 pm

This course is a conceptualization skill enhancement course designed for counselors, clinicians and helpers who are practicing or in training. The course will offer a chance for participants to see world renowned therapists in action (on tape), treating a variety of issues commonly seen in counseling. In addition to learning how to treat specific problems, different therapeutic approaches used to treat the issues will also be covered. Class will consist of watching experts in action followed by a discussion involving the skills, techniques and approaches to treating problems in counseling. The unique experience of watching doyens in the field use proven approaches and deal with obstacles we face in everyday counseling situations is an invaluable way to learn and enhance our own counseling skills. Additional readings for each topic to enhance your knowledge and skill, to work with specific problems in counseling will also be offered.

Course Fee: Rs. 25000/- (+18% GST)

For more information about the advanced course:

   School Counseling Online Course

Admissions are open for the five week (65 hours) School Counseling Online Course. This is an intensive course aimed at training psychological counselors for working in schools and educational institutions. It focuses on practical skills required to work with children, adolescents and school systems.

This is a foundation course in school counseling and provides a laboratory setting in which students master skill sets needed for being a school-based counselor. The goal of the course is to train individuals to offer school counseling services as part of a comprehensive program that addresses the development of students in terms of academic/educational, career, personal/social and emotional skills, as well as school personnel, families, and the community at large. The practice of counseling in school occurs regularly, and the training for this specific area has been largely lacking, thus this course is designed to address ethical, professional, and legal aspects of being a school counselor.

Basic Skills in Counseling Children
Abnormal Psychoogy
Child & Adolescent Development
Suicide Risk assessment
Basics of learning difficulties
Interventions with chilldren
Ethics in School Counseling
School Counseling in the Indian context

Next Scheduled date tentatively: July 2022

Course Fee: Rs.20,000/- (+ 18% GST)

For more Details please click :

Who should join the above courses

These courses are open to all graduates. It is designed for anyone choosing to becoming a psychological counselor and seeking professional training for the same. Individuals who join could be (1) those who have little or no professional experience but wish to extend their knowledge of interpersonal and counseling skills and (2) counselors, healthcare professionals, teachers, social workers, managers, home-makers, human resource personnel and all others who wish to increase their interpersonal and counseling skills and apply them within their professional practice. Depending on your background and skill, you will benefit in different ways from each course. For more information, feel free to call/email us if you are uncertain about which course is best suited to meet your needs.


About fees: PLEASE NOTE: We have a strict no refund policy so fees once paid will not be refunded under any circumstances

About our courses

All of our training is achieved through role-plays, experiential learning, lectures and demonstrations, and other learning techniques. A hallmark of HAP training is the energy of its teachers and students and the dynamic nature of the classes.

Another important component of our course is the camaraderie and close friendships that develop among our students and staff. We genuinely enjoy each other’s company and choose our students carefully to ensure that our positive energy and enthusiasm continues with each batch.

Quality Maintenance

There will be a limited number of students admitted in our course which ensures the highest possible quality of teaching and training. It encourages the emergence of healthy group dynamics as well as sufficient time for individual students to contribute to the course. Our trainers will provide the necessary support to all students to fulfill their aim, matching the students learning and training efforts.

We are often told by students who have trained with others that our course is very different than other courses of this kind. We have since learned that we are the only training academy that offers the blend of theory and practical skills, in addition to world-class practical training within the twin cities. Our students often choose to continue to work with us after course completion, speaking to our ability to teach and guide as well as form lasting relationships with people we train.

Expectation of students

Students who join the HAP are expected to adhere to the highest professional standards of practice. This includes but is not limited to, regular class a

ttendance, punctuality, completion of assigned class work and assignments, excellent record keeping, and respect for everyone that they work with. Students may expect the same level of professionalism from their faculty and staff at the HAP.

We believe in open communication and in being genuine and model that for our students. Feedback is a two way process and our open door policy allows students to opportunity to discuss anything with us with the knowledge that we will be open to learning and growing together.

Accreditation or certification for counseling courses

The accreditation or certification for counseling courses is currently not offered by any accrediting or certifying body in India. The Hyderabad Academy of Psychology maintains responsibility for the above course and its content under the guidance of Dr. Diana Monteiro, Licensed Psychologist and Health Service Provider (Tennessee, USA, License no. 2665).

Need additional information?

See also

For more information, call +91-94939 75140